IST Experience at the 25th World Scout Jamboree  

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The World Scout Jamboree is one of the largest outdoor educational events for youth in the world! This year, the 25th World Scout Jamboree was held in Saemangeum, South Korea from August 1-12, where about 43,000 Scouts, Unit Leaders, and International Service Team (IST) members from 158 countries participated. I participated there as a member of the International Service Team (IST) representing Bangladesh Scouts and Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group. Supported as a member of the Jamboree HQ Management Team to implement the Jamboree theme and successful camps. The theme, “Draw Your Dreams” set the stage for a memorable experience that will be etched in our memories forever.

The event commenced with a breathtaking opening ceremony, where a vast expanse of flags and enthusiastic Scouts from around the world created an electric atmosphere. Amidst this sea of unity, I was seated with the IST, positioned just behind the arena. Initially joined by a small Czech IST group, our area soon became a melting pot of diverse cultures and vibrant spirits.

Esteemed organizers and special guests graced the opening ceremony, but the defining moment was when Bear Grylls, the renowned adventurer, took center stage. His words resonated deeply, highlighting the shared promise that unites Scouts across the globe. With Grylls' symbolic gesture, the Jamboree was officially declared underway, signaling the beginning of an incredible journey.

Unforeseen challenges, including extreme weather conditions and Typhoon Khunan, disrupted the Jamboree's schedule, leading to an early departure from the campsite and relocations across Seoul and the country. Scouts and volunteers rose to the occasion, embracing adaptability and the true Scouting spirit. Despite setbacks, we seized the opportunity to explore Korea's culture, engaged in outdoor activities, and forged lasting connections.

The Jamboree's closing ceremony at the Seoul World Cup Stadium was a celebration of unity and diversity. The event featured a video recap, the recitation of the Scout Promise, and the symbolic transfer of the World Scouting flag to Poland, the next Jamboree's host. This marked the culmination of an unforgettable journey.

Looking back, my first World Scout Jamboree experience as an IST member was transformative. The event showcased the power of unity, the resilience of the Scouting movement, and the indomitable spirit of young people. The challenges we faced proved that Scouts can adapt, persevere, and create meaningful memories even in the face of adversity. This Jamboree affirmed that united by shared values, Scouts can leave a positive impact on each other and the world.

I am incredibly proud to have been part of this historic event, where dreams were realized, promises were made, and the future was shaped. The 25th World Scout Jamboree stands as a testament to the ability of Scouts to overcome challenges and embrace the richness of global diversity, leaving an indelible mark on the Scouting movement and beyond.