17th Oath Camp and 10th Course for Rover Mate 2024

17th Oath Camp and 10th Course for Rover Mate 2024

Venue: Regional Scout Training Center, Pulerahat, Jessore

Date: 2024-07-10

Year: 2024

The camp featured various activities including self-purification, initiation ceremonies, crew meetings, hiking, nature observation, scout-on activities, and a closing ceremony. Specialized sessions on Air Scouting, aviation, and other relevant topics were led by a skilled team from the Bangladesh Air Force. The camp also included field visits to BAF Base Matiur and nature spots like Madhupalli and Sagar Dandi, fostering spiritual growth and environmental awareness among participants. The closing ceremony was attended by notable figures such as Group Captain Abul Kasem Mohammad Faisal and Squadron Leader Gazi Md. Salahuddin. The event was managed by Farhana Rahman and Nazmul Hasan, with approximately 80 participants, including scouts, trainers, and volunteers.